Ep 111: Reflections of Joanna Simpson, Part 4

In this special tribute episode Diana Parkes, Hetti Nanton and friends share memories and reflections of Jo, in their own words.
This episode and series are dedicated to correcting the narrative and memory of Joanna Simpson.
#JoannaSimpson #HerNameWasJoSimpson #CoerciveControl #Stalking #MurderInSlowMotionä #WomenMatter #DomesticAbuse #MaleViolence #CrimeAnalyst #Expert #Analysis #TrueCrime #Podcast #Crime #DomesticHomicide
DASH Risk Checklist www.dashriskchecklist.co.uk
England and Wales Refuge 24 Hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline
0808 2000 247 www.nationaldahelpline.org.uk
Scotland Domestic Abuse and Forced Marriage Helpline
0800 027 1234
America DA Hotline 1.800.799.7233 TTY 1.800.787.3224 www.thehotline.org
Australia 1800Respect 1800 737 732 Lifeline 13 11 14 www.respect.gov.au
Canada www.canada.ca
Sign the petition for serial domestic abusers and stalkers to be on the same register as sex offenders and ensure they are proactively assessed and monitored:
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