April 16, 2021
16: The Forgotten Victims | Part 16 | The Byford Report, the Missing Pages and Other Potentially Linked Offences

Laura continues to deconstruct The Byford Report, the missing pages and the other potentially linked offences that may have been committed by PS.
Lord Byford concluded that serial killers become serial killers because they are cute enough to avoid police detection early on. Laura has a differing view.
You won’t want to miss this.
The Yorkshire R: The Secret Murders, Chris Clark and Tim Tate https://www.amazon.com/Yorkshire-Ripper-Sutcliffes-Terrible-Twenty-Two-ebook/dp/B00Y7A7KWA/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=yorkshire+ripper&qid=1618091303&s=audible&sr=1-1-catcorr
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