June 11, 2021
25: The Forgotten Victims | Part 20 | Psychological Autopsy and Profile of PS

In this episode, Laura analyses and deconstructs PS’s behaviour at the crime scenes and discusses what it reveals about PS and shares her thoughts about why he chose to brutalize and kill so many women.
Laura’s work always starts with analysing the crime and the victimology. If we look at how the crime was committed, that leads us to why the crime was committed and it’s instructive about the who committed the crime.
This is most requested episode of the series. You won’t want to miss this.
#Podcast #TheForgottenVictims #VictimsMatter #TrueCrime
#CrimeAnalyst #SerialKiller
Crime Analyst, The Forgotten Victims Episodes 1-8 https://www.crime-analyst.com/episodes/
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