June 18, 2021
26: The Forgotten Victims | Part 21 | Psychological Autopsy and Profile of PS Ctd

In this episode, Laura outlines what was known about PS and compares and contrasts this to her analysis from his crime scene behaviour.
Laura also answers the second, third and fourth most commonly asked questions about this case. After people get over the shock that PS was married, everyone wants to know what was his relationship like with his wife, Sonia? What was she like and what did she know?
You won’t want to miss this.
#Podcast #TheForgottenVictims #VictimsMatter #TrueCrime
#CrimeAnalyst #SerialKiller #DomesticAbuse #CoerciveControl #ChildAbuse
Richard Cobb (2019). On The Trail of the Yorkshire R*****
Michael Bilton (2012). The Hunt For the Yorkshire R***** Wicked Beyond Belief, updated edition
Thank you to my sponsors. If you want to support my work please leave a 5 Star review here https://www.crime-analyst.com/reviews/new/
and Crime Analyst please check out my sponsors Stamps, Ana Luisa, Athena Club, and Daily Harvest and my special offers:
Stamps @stamps.com
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Ana Luisa @analuisany
Check out Ana Luisa’s website – they are a great brand making beautiful and sustainable jewelry. Visit https://www.analuisa.com/crimeanalyst and buy yourself or someone you love a treat and use my code CRIMEANALYST for 10% off.
Athena Club @athenaclub
Show your skin you care with the Athena Club Razor Kit! Sign up today and you’ll get 20% off your first order! Just go to https://www.AthenaClub.com and use promo code crimeanalyst.
Daily Harvest @DlyHarvest
Get started today. Go to https://www.DAILYHARVEST.com and enter promo code crimeanalyst to get twenty-five dollars off your first box!
Laura also answers the second, third and fourth most commonly asked questions about this case. After people get over the shock that PS was married, everyone wants to know what was his relationship like with his wife, Sonia? What was she like and what did she know?
You won’t want to miss this.
#Podcast #TheForgottenVictims #VictimsMatter #TrueCrime
#CrimeAnalyst #SerialKiller #DomesticAbuse #CoerciveControl #ChildAbuse
Richard Cobb (2019). On The Trail of the Yorkshire R*****
Michael Bilton (2012). The Hunt For the Yorkshire R***** Wicked Beyond Belief, updated edition
Thank you to my sponsors. If you want to support my work please leave a 5 Star review here https://www.crime-analyst.com/reviews/new/
and Crime Analyst please check out my sponsors Stamps, Ana Luisa, Athena Club, and Daily Harvest and my special offers:
Stamps @stamps.com
Stop wasting time going to the Post office and go to https://www.Stamps.com instead.
There’s NO risk. And with my promo code, CRIMEANALYST, you get a special offer that includes a 4-week trial PLUS free postage and a digital scale. No long-term commitments or contracts.
Just go to Stamps.com, click on the Microphone at the TOP of the homepage and type in CRIMEANALYST.
Ana Luisa @analuisany
Check out Ana Luisa’s website – they are a great brand making beautiful and sustainable jewelry. Visit https://www.analuisa.com/crimeanalyst and buy yourself or someone you love a treat and use my code CRIMEANALYST for 10% off.
Athena Club @athenaclub
Show your skin you care with the Athena Club Razor Kit! Sign up today and you’ll get 20% off your first order! Just go to https://www.AthenaClub.com and use promo code crimeanalyst.
Daily Harvest @DlyHarvest
Get started today. Go to https://www.DAILYHARVEST.com and enter promo code crimeanalyst to get twenty-five dollars off your first box!