Aug. 27, 2021

36: The Crime Analyst | Ep 36 | Deconstructing Coercive Control with Jess Hill, Part 1

36: The Crime Analyst | Ep 36 | Deconstructing Coercive Control with Jess Hill, Part 1
Laura interviews award winning Australian author and investigative journalist Jess Hill.
Jess wrote the book ‘See What You Made Me Do’ which has been made into a three-part docuseries of the same title.

We deconstruct coercive control, Stockholm Syndrome, the case of Sally Challen and unintended consequences and the impact of criminalizing coercive control for first nations women and women of colour as well as discussing high risk and serial perpetrators and female police stations. You won’t want to miss this.

#CoerciveControl #PreethiReddy #HerNameWasPreethiReddy #DomesticAbuse #Podcast #TrueCrime #RealCrime #CrimeAnalyst #CriminalBehaviouralAnalysis #DALawReform #Advocacy #Police #StockholmSyndrome #SallyChallen #SerialPerpetrators #WomenMatter #Misogyny

More on Jess Hill’s work and Book ‘See What You Made Me Do’ is available here:

Deep Diving Coercive Control

Please sign the petition to Criminalize Coercive Control in Australia

Clip Source

‘The First Wife: John Meehan’s Reign of Terror’ available exclusively on Audible

‘The Trap’ Podcast

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