Ep 189: The British Airways Killer to Remain in Prison: The Judicial Review, Part 5

Laura is rejoined once more by Diana Parkes, Joanna’s mother, and Hetti Nanton, Joanna’s best friend and chair of the national domestic violence charity, Refuge to discuss the incredible campaign which started on Crime Analyst resulting in the Lord Chancellor and Justice Secretary Alex Chalk preventing Brown’s automatic release from prison in November 2023.
THAT was not the end of the story. however. Join Laura, Diana and Hetti as they discuss Robert Brown’s judicial review and what it revealed about Brown and his ominous psychopathology. You won’t want to miss this exclusive and in-depth conversation.
#JoannaSimpson #HerNameWasJoSimpson #RobertBrown #BritishAirwaysKiller #CoerciveControl #Stalking #PreventMurderInSlowMotionä #WomenMatter #ChildrenMatter #DomesticAbuse #MaleViolence #CrimeAnalyst #Expert #Analysis #Behaviour #TrueCrime #Podcast #Crime #DomesticHomicide #NotAnotherJo
View the Judicial Review
Crime Analyst Episodes on Joanna Simpson’s case:
Ep 105: Joanna Simpson: A Miscarriage of Justice, Part 1
Ep 107: Joanna Simpson: A Miscarriage of Justice, Part 2
Ep 110: How to Save a Life with Hetti Nanton, Part 3Ep 111: Reflections of Joanna Simpson, Part 4
The Case of Joanna Simpson: the British Airways killer who must stay behind bars
The Case of Joanna Simpson: killer pilot Robert Brown planned every detail of killing Jo
SIGN the petition for serial domestic abusers and stalkers to be on the same register as sex offenders and ensure they are proactively assessed and monitored.
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