Crime Analyst

The voice for those who cannot speak

This podcast is incredible. Laura’s dedication and attention to detail is outstanding. I have personally been in a situation where I was not listened to in regard to trying to protect my child. I was warned by solicitors and play therapist that I would be made to look neurotic, which I didn’t believe would happen, however it did. I Had to be so careful what I said and I had 2.5 years of evidence, however the family court judge didn’t think there was enough to go to fact finding and all he had to say was “it wasn’t me”. Dad was granted unsupervised access, which he never took up and Fortunately a direct disclosure finally came. I thought the system was just something that happened to me, now I realise it’s endemic. No wonder there are so many child and female victims of abuse, when they are continuously not listened to

Feb. 22, 2025 by Bex on This Website

Crime Analyst