13 years ago Tina Nash was brutally attacked by serial abuser Shane Jenkin.
He strangled her & gouged out both her eyes. Jenkin held her hostage for 12 hours refusing to get her medical attention. This is Tina’s story, told exclusively to Laura in Tina’s first podcast.
LISTEN to Ep #238: https://www.crime-analyst.com/ep-238-he-gouged-my-eyes-out-whilst-my-children-slept-with-tina-nash-part-1/
SIGN the petition: https://www.change.org/p/stop-repeat-violent-offender-shane-jenkins-being-released
Serial domestic abusers and stalkers must be included on the same register as sex offenders and terrorists and managed by the Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements.
SIGN the petition: https://www.change.org/p/serial-stalkers-coercive-controllers-must-be-managed-under-mappa-like-sex-offenders
#TinaNash #CrimeAnalyst #TrueCrime #Podcast #Expert #ShaneJenkin #SerialPerpetrator #DevonAndCornwallPolice