Twice a Parole Board released Ronald Evans early. Will women be put at risk a third time?

Laura analyses Ronald Evan’s behaviour and Rob Murphy reveals something shared by Michelle Leonard, the undercover police officer who caught him and how his 2022 documentary about Ronald Evans helped catch 81-year-old Evans once more.

Listen to the full episode here:

Police arrested Evans the day after the documentary was broadcast. As she jailed Evans for four years last November, the judge said: "The risk you pose to women is significant. The combination of your history and continuing sexual interest underlies my concern you are a risk of serious sexual harm to women."

83-year-old Evans is back before the Parole Board in October 2024. Twice a Parole Board took the decision to release Ronald Evans early. Will women be put at risk a third time?

Listen and find out and then join the conversation on social media and in the Crime Analyst Squad:

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