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Very good content
Very good content to raise awareness x
Expert, accomplished, masterful
Laura Richards makes the world a safer place for women and girls! She explains coercive control and ‘murder in slow motion.’ Her decades of experience & training in crime analysis and prevention come through in every episode. Her 20+ episode series on Gabby Petito is a great place to start. “Stay curious and listen to your gut”
The voice for those who cannot speak
This podcast is incredible. Laura’s dedication and attention to detail is outstanding. I have personally been in a situation where I was not listened to in regard to trying to protect my child. I was warned by solicitors and play therapist that I would be made to look neurotic, which I didn’t believe would happen, however it did. I Had to be so careful what I said and I had 2.5 years of evidence, however the family court judge didn’t think there was enough to go to fact finding and all he had to say was “it wasn’t me”. Dad was granted unsupervised access, which he never took up and Fortunately a direct disclosure finally came. I thought the system was just something that happened to me, now I realise it’s endemic. No wonder there are so many child and female victims of abuse, when they are continuously not listened to
Absolutely inspiring and monumental
Laura you are a godsend - genuinely a rare gem who does her work not only with such profound dedication, but with unbiased accuracy that simply makes her work so important and genuine. You are not scared to tell painful stories of those who cannot tell them anymore and by so making their sad trajectory a story all of us NEED to hear and that all of us need to make sure they see justice. I appreciate the way in which you handle these tough stories with grace and respect; explain what both abuse and injustice look like; and the way you courageously stand for those who can’t do that for themselves! I am so grateful you exist!
Laura is a shero
All of Laura’s pod casts are excellent. But what I mostly love is that she is fearless and is supporting women all around the world. She fearlessly takes on patriarchy’s entrenched conditioned bias and masogyny. Laura has done so much for women. I can’t think of anyone else who works as hard or gotten so far to call out injustice. Thank you Laura. You speak for me. Barbara Nanshe
Highly recommended and much needed
Laura is awesome. She has created a much needed podcast focusing on understanding crime and abuse of women and urgent calls to action around this. The guest are wonderful and Laura interviews so well. In a space of many true crime podcasts this stands out!
Great expert analysis Laura on Nicola Bulley`s case on crime analyst youtube
Huge thank you Laura for analyzing and deconstructing the Nicola Bulley case (especially your analysis of the College of Policing Review) on the crime analyst youtube channel. The Nicola Bulley case had gained a lot of worldwide attention due to speculation and conspiracy theories. Similar to that, the police said right from the start of the investigation that it was their working hypothesis that Nicola fell into the water with no evidence of crime and third party involvement. The police did not cordon off the bench where Nicola`s phone and the dog`s harness were recovered. There are questions to be asked about the police`s working hypothesis and Nicola`s vulnerabilities that were shared at the 15th February Press Conference which was utterly defensive. Also, Nicola`s case was declared as a critical incident on 16th February. They should have deployed family liaison officers far earlier on. #LeadershipMatters #Leadership #TrustandConfidence #DecisionMaking #Accountability #NicolaBulley #Lancashire
Laura and her knowledge is amazing… I’ve learned so much about my own experiences as a much younger woman..sure wish I’d known this information back when it really mattered to my life and experiences…I would have handled so many things differently!
Victim Voices
Thank you for giving the victims a voice. The bias and mistakes made by leadership in police is mind blowing. Really appreciate your critical analysis and honesty with your professional opinion.
One of the few experts who actually understands the ‘why’ of crime.
Where do I start? If you want to truly understand criminal behaviour, the risk factors and coercive control then please start and stop here! Laura is an expert in her field and has real respect for the victims and holds perpetrators to account. Her analysis on coercive control, patterned behaviour and male violence is so thoughtful and persuasive. As she says, once you see it you can’t unsee it. I have listened for many years and she has helped me understand human behaviour more than anyone else. Keep up the good fight Laura!
Great expert analysis Laura on Nicola Bulley`s case on crime analyst youtube
Huge thank you Laura for analyzing and deconstructing the Nicola Bulley case (especially your analysis of the College of Policing Review) on the crime analyst youtube channel. The Nicola Bulley case had gained a lot of worldwide attention due to speculation and conspiracy theories. Similar to that, the police said right from the start of the investigation that it was their working hypothesis that Nicola fell into the water with no evidence of crime and third party involvement. The police did not cordon off the bench where Nicola`s phone and the dog`s harness were recovered. There are questions to be asked about the police`s working hypothesis and Nicola`s vulnerabilities that were shared at the 15th February Press Conference which was utterly defensive. Also, Nicola`s case was declared as a critical incident on 16th February. They should have deployed family liaison officers far earlier on. #LeadershipMatters #Leadership #TrustandConfidence #DecisionMaking #Accountability #NicolaBulley #Lancashire
My must listen to podcast
I’ve listened to Laura Richards’ podcasts for almost 10 years. First with Real Crime Profile and now Crime Analyst. She is my must listen to podcaster. Laura’s knowledge and detail is unmatched as well as her care and compassion for victims. I have learnt so much about men’s violence against women, coercive control and behavioural analysis. I love tuning in and hearing about all the amazing work her and her guests are doing in this space.
Essential work
Laura has immense knowledge and expertise in her field of work and also brings genuine compassion for victims and survivors. The work she does in education law enforcement and the public about coercive control and domestic abuse is absolutely essential, as the signs are so often missed and mistakes can lead to the worst possible outcomes. This could happen to anyone - to you, your daughter, your sister, your best friend and spotting the signs can save a precious life. The podcast is fascinating and highly informative while never becoming exploitative of victims. I recommend to everyone to listen.
Fantastic investigations
Indeepth and honest
We have had enough
Laura is measured and logical, backed up by facts, and sees through the rhetoric to the actual heart of the matter. I am the stepmother of a beautiful girl and a little baby going through the most horrible stalking, domestic violence, lies and a court case where the family court has given a monster unsupervised access to a child. This man would not even qualify for a blue card. We have had enough. We have walked the streets until our feet are raw. We have protested until I voices are hoarse. We need all those good men out there to pull up a bloke in a pub when he says something offensive to women. Be that man. You all have mothers. You may have wives and daughters, nieces. We need a community to change. Praise to Laura and her amazing fortitude and moral compass.
Fabulous Analysis of the Nicola Bulley Case: Laura is the Legend of the True Shero
Huge thank you Laura for analyzing and deconstructing the Nicola Bulley case (especially your analysis of the College of Policing Review) on the crime analyst youtube channel. The Nicola Bulley case had gained a lot of worldwide attention due to speculation and conspiracy theories. Similar to that, the police said right from the start of the investigation that it was their working hypothesis that Nicola fell into the water with no evidence of crime and third party involvement. The police did not cordon off the bench where Nicola`s phone and the dog`s harness were recovered. There are questions to be asked about the police`s working hypothesis and Nicola`s vulnerabilities that were shared at the 15th February Press Conference which was utterly defensive. Also, Nicola`s case was declared as a critical incident on 16th February. They should have deployed family liaison officers far earlier on. #LeadershipMatters #Leadership #TrustandConfidence #DecisionMaking #Accountability #NicolaBulley #Lancashire
Thank you for the amazing work you do and advocating for women & girls. Your insights on cases has been truly insightful. Keep it up
Gabby Petito burn after read letter
I know you ask for thoughts Laura, but this letter screams something at me. Laura states that it looks like Brian’s mother infantilised him. But what I see is a desperate, enabling, jealous, co-dependent, deeply flawed parent who is the CREATOR of a narcissist ( abuser) . She tells him essentially that he can do no wrong. ( a lie, which creates a narcissist). She describes how she will enable his mistakes and errors. She will cover for him, break him out of gaol and bury bodies for him. This isn’t a love letter. It’s a damage admission. An insecure, weak and enabling parent who is jealous of her son’s relationship with Gabby. I find Brian’s mother totally repulsive in this revelation and her extraordinary justification and lack of insight. These kinds of parents create abusers. They are fawners, sycophants, manipulators. What an awful situation. I feel so sorry for Gabby’s family. This is a nightmare within a horror story.
I only recently came across your podcast and greatly appreciate the clarity around understanding what coercive control is, what is behind it and being utterly unapologetic about this. As a now retired Social Worker, I saw so much wherever I worked but colleagues did not. I hope I ultimately assisted many women (and children) in ensuring they could extricate themselves and live fulfilling and efficacious lives.
Gabby Petito case
Outstanding analysis. Thank you Laura. The breakdown of the police call out is fabulously detailed and hits every nail on the head. I want to listen carefully to the refrain “trust your gut”. The police were CONFUSED because they were being manipulated AND manipulative. They tried to rush to avoid paperwork and an arrest. They were totally wrong-headed in a situation that was actually crystal clear. They had FOUR supposed professionals who behaved ( mostly ) like completing inept 4 year olds. I’m astonished. The law CLEARLY states a predominant abuser construct. It’s about the best descriptor of Brian ( a text book coercive controller ) ever. Yet the cops completely missed it. Horrendous.
Much needed rhetoric
Laura rocks. Finally talking about the unfair treatment of women victims. I have noticed this chauvinism weaved into everything since I was a child about 55 years ago. Laura has specific language that helps to call it out.
Head attack
This is an excellent insight to crime analyst, and profiling. I did want to ask have you considered also that he hit the victims on their head to damage their brain and memory in case they survived the attack
Cannot unsee coercive control behaviour. It is everywhere... learning so much, teaching others, thank you.
Beautifully explained content
Only recently found this podcast, I’ve been interested in human behaviour/psychology for many years. It is so well explained and researched by Laura. Cannot recommend this podcast highly enough, you will learn a lot from a highly trained professional who presents the contents in an articulate, down to earth way. Great to listen to in the car….
This podcast is excellent! Laura’s thoughtful and thorough analysis of these cases is absolutely fascinating and educational. We all need to better understand and beware of how insidious controlling behavior is. Honestly, I’m obsessed. Thank you Laura 🙏
Thank you Thank you Thank you
Amazing and informative. Listening to you is making me better able to articulate and call out what is just not acceptable. I wish you were around during my 25 year marriage where I was broken down day by day. But, I have you now and I can already feel more validated. Thank you
A must listen
The five stars is instructive to me, of an excellent and thoroughly thought provoking podcast.
Victims First and Foremost
At last, a study which does not create a celebrity out of a criminal. Delivered with gravitas, mindful of the victims and their families. The ethos of this should be part of mainstream secondary education and then in more depth, part of ongoing courses within every crime related profession in the country, definitely including journalists. Thank you.
I have been a fan for a long time but Laura’s episode with Sara Edmundson today was so good! I appreciated that Laura had taken the time to read her book and was well informed which made for a great interview.
Illuminating, exceptional podcast
An exceptional podcast that really goes into detail and quite some depth on the very dark behaviours and motivations behind many terrible crimes. Why do people act and do the things they do, what drives them? Human behaviour can be extremely complex and at times, contradictory and difficult to understand. Laura Richards heavy lifting over the years and in depth work help to uncover the why behind such sad events. However, more important than anything she keeps victims, and survivors are the heart of it all whilst also providing essential lessons we can all learn from.